Classes & Tuition


2025-2026 Classes & Tuition

We offer a variety of classes for each level of early childhood development from young toddlers through Pre-Kindergarten as well as mid-day, summer fun and growing together programs.  To promote individual attention for each student, our class sizes are limited, and each class is staffed with an experienced lead teacher and an assistant teacher.

The school often arranges for in-house programs presented by community resources, such as visits from children’s authors, fire fighters, and the Baltimore Zoo Mobile.  The 3-year-olds  participate in Fall Fun Day, a Teddy Bear Picnic, and Wiltondale Park field trip.  The 4-year-olds participate in a fall and spring field trip to Cromwell Valley Nature Park, a community theater production, and dramatic concerts at Christmas and the end of the year.

2-Year-Old Program

(must be 2 years old by September 1st to register)

* For those turning 2 after September 1st, please call the office for information on rolling enrollment. 

The 2s program is designed to encourage the children to enjoy a positive school experience and to socialize.  Children can choose activities from purposely planned play experiences.  Teachers intentionally create environments and provide learning materials to allow your children to explore and learn on their own, as well as provide support in learning new skills.  Areas available every day include art, dramatic play, library, blocks and puzzles.  Children are exposed to music and creative movement class each week as well as daily outdoor play to further develop their large motor skills.

2 Day 2's
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 - 12:00
Tuition: $2,600

3 Day 2's
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00 - 12:00
Tuition: $3,600

3-Year-Old Program

(must be 3 years old by September 1st to register)

The 3s program is designed to emphasize socialization, foster friendships, and learn through active and playful involvement.  Children learn together in a cooperative framework the skills needed to share, work together, take turns, follow multi-step directions, and communicate wants and needs in a healthy way.  Children will enjoy a daily special of music, art science and creative movement in addition to daily outdoor play to continue developing their large motor skills.  Teachers provide a variety of materials to enhance creativity, imagination, listening and language skills, color and shape recognition -- all with the idea that learning is fun.

3 Day 3's
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
9:00 - 12:00
Tuition: $3,600

5 Day 3's
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 12:00
Tuition: $5,700

4-Year-Old Program

(must be 4 years old by September 1st to register)

The 4s program is designed the enhance the development of the whole child while attending to individual needs.  It builds on their increased attention span by providing time for developing language & literacy, mathematical development, pre-reading, and pre-writing skills necessary for transition to kindergarten.  Ascension utilizes the developmentally appropriate tool “Learning without Tears”.TM   The 4s attend a daily special to include music, art science, creative movement, library and chapel.  Socialization, creativity and imagination are brought to life daily in the classroom.  Attention is focused on strengthening fine and gross motor skills along with increased peer interaction.

5 Day 4's
Monday - Friday
Tuition: $5,700

Preschool Photo

I am so thankful that my two sons were able to attend Ascension Lutheran Nursery School. I really cannot recommend this program and the fantastic teachers enough. My boys absolutely loved their experiences there. The director and all of the teachers are so nice and welcoming. They really take the time to know your child, and I must say, I am impressed that years later, they still know my boys’ (and my) names!

As for the school itself, I remember being amazed at the classroom sizes when I visited the first time. I started both boys in the Growing Together program and it was such a great way to introduce them to the preschool setting. They had their choice of crafts, puzzles, books, a kitchen play area, tons of toys and puppets, and an indoor slide to keep them busy. The teacher sang songs, and they danced around for a short circle time that included reading a book. They loved it and moved remarkably well into the 2’s program because of it. The 2’s teachers were wonderful and knew exactly how to help encourage kids that were clingier in nature to want to stay as the parents said their goodbyes. They made sure to make time for those kids who liked to share everything as well as those that were shyer. The 3’s program and teachers were similarly amazing – telling stories to the kids as they sat on pretend logs around a pretend campfire! They made lots of crafts, including handprint art which I cherish! The 4’s program is fantastic as well (yes – you should be getting the point about how much I love this preschool!) and really prepares them for kindergarten. I loved hearing the songs they learned that year as well as seeing how well they could write their numbers and letters. All in all, I highly recommend enrolling your child at Ascension Lutheran Nursery School. You won’t be disappointed, and your child will absolutely love his/her time there.    - Lynne